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Alicia Keenon Photography



About Alicia Keenon

Alicia started in the 1980’s as a 35mm photographer in Germany. Her work initially focused on photojournalism, and her she was published in local papers as well as in national magazines. Alicia also created series of black and white art pieces, illustrating ways women engage in self-destructive behavior, such as eating disorders, cosmetic distortions, drug and alcohol abuse. This work was part of a traveling exhibition – Gewalt gegen Frauen - and was shown in 15 cities in Germany in the 1980’s and 1990’s. She was also exhibited in several galleries in Kassel, Germany.


After moving to the US in 1990, Alicia started working with digital photography. She has shown her work in Phoenix, Arizona at Purple Wall Studios, and participated in Art Detour and First Fridays in downtown Phoenix. She was the event photographer for the Arizona Opera.

Since moving to the Daytona Beach Area, Alicia has shown her work at the Arts on Stage event and Hot Shots exhibition at the Peabody Auditorium, in Orlando at the World Bromeliad Conference Art Show, and at Cinematique of Daytona.

As part of the Art Consortium of Volusia County, her work is regularly shown in downtown Daytona Beach. Most recently, Alicia’s work was shown in the Limner Gallery in Hudson, New York. She is working on expanding her exhibitions into the Southeast Museum of Photography.

Alicia Keenon was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to an opera singer father and a classical pianist mother. Alicia and her family moved to Germany when she was a small child. All of her education was received in Germany and culminated in a MA in Linguistics and MS in Political Science from Universitaet Kassel. She learned photography in workshops and through intensive practice with photography peers. Alicia currently resides in Port Orange, Florida .

She available to create artistically compelling wedding and event photographs, portraits and head shots.

Alicia Keenon continually pursues her artistic vision through her passion for socially relevant issues, new concepts, techniques, and work.